Monday, March 23, 2015

Hiatus Roundup

I hope to make this roundup a regular series on the blog. Here you'll be able to see what Crooked River Couture has been up to over the past week or month or so on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or even my personal Pinterest or Polyvore pages to see where my fashion head has been!

Since I've been a little absent on the blog for quite some time I'm officially calling it a hiatus. So what have the other facets of CRC had to say over the past several months? Find out below!

1. Small Box Cleveland

Quite possibly the most exciting thing to happen fashion and shopping wise in Cleveland during the last few months is the announcement and opening of the Small Boxes in the Warehouse District! Housed in old shipping containers, these mini shops were perhaps the most unique edition to downtown. Currently two boxes, the Banyan Box (a satellite Banyan Tree location) and the Wardrobe (non-moving location for the Wandering Wardrobe) are located at the corner of West 6th Street & St. Clair Avenue. A new shop will be opening soon called Blue Edge and will replace the Browns team shop that was there last season.

Here's what CRC had to say and post about this awesome new way to bring shopping to downtown:
A photo posted by Crooked River Couture (@crookedrivercouture) on

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A New Beginning of Sorts

So, okay, it's been almost a year since the ol' blog has been updated. However, if you follow CRC on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, you know that I've still been shining a light on all the fabulous, funky, and fashionable favorites our fair city has to offer. Keeping you updated on new shops, events, cool items, and more! As I do every year I celebrated Small Business Saturday in November and had fun shopping local for the holidays.

And as spring slowly makes its way to Cleveland, I've decided to try some new things to help keep this blog fresh and fun. I'm starting a series of posts spotlighting some of the wonderful things I've purchased at local businesses either recently or over the years. Those of you who are fans of Mindy Kaling may or may not remember her short-lived blog "Things I've Bought That I Love," and in a way, this will be the Cleveland version!

Of course I'll still be keeping you updated with new boutiques, shopping trips, or vendor events. Much of that will likely be happening through social media, whereas other focuses will be published here on the blog.

Crooked River Couture has been around for nearly four years and although there may have been some timeline gaps along the way, I've always believed in the creativity, artistry, and style of this city. Things like the Cleveland Flea, the 5th Street Arcade, and Fashion Week Cleveland prove that this is just as much a part of Cleveland's renaissance.

So if you've been following CRC either in blog form or on social media or are just happening upon this post, I want to hear from you! This project started as a way to promote great local businesses that may not always get the recognition that the restaurants, bars, or other entities get. If there's a new boutique opening up on your block, let me know! If you just bought a rad new Cleveland tee shirt, show it off! Or if you know of a cool event coming up, share the details!

Again, be sure to keep up with Crooked River Couture on all of its social media platforms (which can be found on the right sidebar of the blog) for even more fabulous, funky, fashionable Cleveland love. Thanks so much for reading!