Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fall is in the air...

It'll be here before you know it. The most wonderful time of the year. Not Christmas, AUTUMN. If the weather continues as it has been here in Northeast Ohio, Fall 2012 looks to be absolutely, perfectly gorgeous! And with the lovely weather of my favorite season comes, of course, the fall fashions! During the next few weeks I plan on previewing some great fall looks you can get for cheap right here in the 216! (Or 440. Or 330.)

There's nothing quite like a good day of shopping. Amidst viewing the new movie "Sparkle" and getting some hilarious and awesome goodies for the Jersey Shore-themed bachelorette party I'll be attending in Columbus this weekend, I got a chance to soak up some fall fashion.

Last year, I miraculously found my favorite pants. It was at Southpark Mall during a half-off everything sale at the Gap. While looking for a new pair of jeans, I came across one single pair of black pants in my size. They were soft and stretchy and fit like a glove and gave made my bottom half look like Kim Kardashian's. I was thrilled and definitely got my money's worth wearing them this year.

Fast forward about 12 months and colored jeans are all the rage! Bright blues, greens, reds and even patterned pantalon are must haves. Jeans are fine but I wish all my pants were as comfy as my favorite black Gap ones. Well my friends, I got lucky. On quick trip to the Westgate Kohl's I found them! BRIGHT, SOFT, STRETCHY Lauren Conrad Skinny French Terry Pants! I simply had to buy two pairs, one in trendy cobalt blue and another in fall friendly faded red.

Lakeside Labor Day
These both looked adorable with a black and white striped Elle peplum top and my new $11 silver boat shoes. Top it off with my favorite Target fedora and voilà! A great outfit for the end of summer and start of fall with a touch of nautical. This would be a great Labor Day weekend outfit, perfect for chilling at Voinovich Park watching the Air Show.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Keep Calm and Olympic On

Hellooo interwebs! As you may or may not have read, I've been offline for some time. Don't worry I haven't joined a comune or anything, still surfing the net as much as anyone. Actually probably more than most. But as my own contributions have been focused elsewhere, I felt the need to reboot the good ol' CRC. So here we go!

My Olympic ring nails!
As most of you know, the 2012 Summer Olympics just wrapped up in London. I like to consider myself quite the Olymp-fanatic. Olympifan? Either way I'm OLYMPSESSED and the Games have always been a big deal for me. I still remember copycatting the the Magnificent Seven U.S. women's gymnastics team in the summer of '96. And the Winter Games are just as awesome if not awesome-r.

Needless to say I was all about London 2012. Not only for my love of Olympiads but having been to London and generally fascinated in all things Brit. I loved seeing one of my favorite places on display for the world. Not only was Great Britain on display, but their athletes had their best games history. Winning 29 gold medals, Team GB frequented the top of the stand showing off, in my opinion, the coolest, most stylish Olympic uniforms ever.

Worry not, I still root for Team USA!

Upon further investigation of these awesome athletic frocks I found out they were designed by none other than Stella McCartney. I won't go into Miss McCartney too much, but let me just say her designs are to die for. It's fitting that she's the mastermind behind Team GB's killer gear. And the solidifying excuse I needed to get me some!

After a long night of scouring the Internet, and after I realized none of the GB garb was sold in the U.S., I came across a killer deal at JD Sports' web site. Cheap shipping, on sale items and a free bag with your purchase! Since my budget is tight I went with the Team GB headband instead of a shirt or jacket which were both pricey. I did however find a great London 2012 official logo shirt, complete with union jack design! Best part about it? It all came from across the pond to my front door in a week, just in time for the last gold medal finals of the games.